Unraveling the Knitting Conundrum: Fixing Errors with RMarkdown Files After Updating R and RStudio
Image by Chepziba - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Knitting Conundrum: Fixing Errors with RMarkdown Files After Updating R and RStudio

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Ah, the joy of knitting an RMarkdown file, only to be met with an error message that makes you want to unravel the entire project! Specifically, the dreaded “Error in comment_chars[[engine]] %||% "#"” error that pops up after updating R and RStudio. Fear not, dear knitters! This article will guide you through the troubleshooting process, step-by-step, to get you back to creating beautiful, error-free RMarkdown files.

What’s Causing the Error?

The error message “Error in comment_chars[[engine]] %||% "#"” typically occurs when there’s an issue with the knitting process, specifically related to commenting characters in the RMarkdown file. This can be attributed to:

  • Changes in the RMarkdown package or dependencies
  • Incompatibility with the updated R or RStudio version
  • Conflicts with other packages or plugins

Step 1: Update Your RMarkdown Package

First things first, make sure your RMarkdown package is up-to-date. Open your R console and run:


This will ensure you have the latest version of the RMarkdown package. If you’re already up-to-date, you’ll receive a message indicating that the package is already installed.

Step 2: Check for Incompatible Packages

Sometimes, other packages might be causing the issue. Run the following code to identify any incompatible packages:


This will scan your package dependencies and highlight any potential conflicts. Take note of any packages that are flagged as incompatible.

Step 3: Reinstall RMarkdown and Dependencies

In some cases, reinstalling RMarkdown and its dependencies can resolve the issue. Run the following code:

install.packages("rmarkdown", dependencies = TRUE)

This will remove the RMarkdown package and its dependencies, then reinstall them from scratch.

Step 4: Check Your RMarkdown File

Now, let’s focus on your RMarkdown file itself. Check for the following:

  • Incorrect syntax or formatting in your YAML header
  • Unused or unnecessary code chunks
  • Conflicting knitr options or chunk settings

Review your RMarkdown file, and correct any errors or inconsistencies.

Step 5: Try a Fresh R Markdown File

Create a new R Markdown file from scratch, using the default template:

rmarkdown::draft("new_file", template = "default", package = NULL)

This will create a brand new R Markdown file with the default settings. If this file knits correctly, it could indicate an issue with your original file.

Step 6: Verify Your R and RStudio Versions

Ensure you’re running the latest versions of R and RStudio:

R Version RStudio Version
R.version.string RStudio.Version()$version

Compare your versions with the latest available versions on the R and RStudio websites. If you’re not running the latest versions, consider updating.

Step 7: File a Bug Report (If Necessary)

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it’s possible you’ve stumbled upon a genuine bug. File a bug report on the RMarkdown GitHub page, including:

  • A detailed description of the error
  • A reproducible example (if possible)
  • Your RMarkdown file (or a minimal reproducible example)

The RMarkdown development team will help you troubleshoot the issue or provide a fix.


The “Error in comment_chars[[engine]] %||% "#"” message can be frustrating, but with these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue. Remember to update your RMarkdown package, check for incompatible packages, and verify your R and RStudio versions. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to file a bug report. Happy knitting, and may your RMarkdown files be error-free!

Keywords: RMarkdown, knitting error, comment_chars, engine, R, RStudio, update

Frequently Asked Question

Status update: new R and RStudio versions causing knitting issues? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

What’s the deal with the “Error in comment_chars[[engine]] %||% "#"” error when trying to knit my RMarkdown file after updating R and RStudio?

This error is likely due to the changes in the `knitr` package, which is used by RMarkdown to render documents. The new version of `knitr` has a breaking change that affects the way comments are handled. Don’t worry, you can easily fix this by updating your `knitr` package to the latest version or reverting to a previous version that’s compatible with your R and RStudio setup.

How do I update my knitr package to the latest version to fix this issue?

Easy peasy! Just open your R console and run the following command: `install.packages(“knitr”)`. This will update your `knitr` package to the latest version, which should resolve the error. If you’re feeling extra cautious, you can also run `library(knitr)` afterwards to make sure the package is loaded correctly.

What if I don’t want to update my knitr package? Is there another way to fix this issue?

Reverting to a previous version of `knitr` can be a good option if you’re not ready to update just yet. You can do this by running the following command in your R console: `packageVersion(“knitr”)` to check your current version, and then `remotes::install_version(“knitr”, “1.29”)` (or the version you were previously using) to install a specific version of `knitr`. This should allow you to knit your RMarkdown file without any issues.

Will I need to make any changes to my RMarkdown file to get it to knit properly?

Most likely, no changes are needed! The issue is usually related to the `knitr` package itself, so updating or reverting to a compatible version should be enough to get your RMarkdown file knitting again. However, if you’re using any specific `knitr` options or features, you might need to review them to ensure they’re compatible with the updated `knitr` version.

How can I avoid this kind of issue in the future when updating R and RStudio?

To minimize the risk of breaking changes, it’s always a good idea to test your RMarkdown files after updating R and RStudio. You can also keep an eye on the `knitr` package’s changelog and release notes to stay informed about any breaking changes or new features that might affect your workflow. Additionally, consider creating a reproducible example of your RMarkdown file to test it with different versions of R, RStudio, and `knitr`.