Why is SonarQube Ignoring Coverage Data from gcovr by C++ Files?
Image by Chepziba - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is SonarQube Ignoring Coverage Data from gcovr by C++ Files?

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Are you struggling to get SonarQube to recognize your coverage data generated by gcovr for your C++ projects? You’re not alone! Many developers face this frustrating issue, and it’s not because SonarQube is ignoring your data on purpose (although it might feel that way). In this article, we’ll dive into the common pitfalls and provide you with a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and fix this problem.

Understanding gcovr and SonarQube Integration

Before we dive into the problem, let’s quickly review how gcovr and SonarQube work together to provide code coverage analysis.

SonarQube, on the other hand, is a code analysis platform that helps you track and improve your code’s quality, security, and reliability. It supports various programming languages, including C++. When you integrate SonarQube with gcovr, it can collect and display the coverage data generated by gcovr, giving you a comprehensive view of your code’s coverage.

Common Pitfalls: Why SonarQube Might be Ignoring Your Coverage Data

So, why is SonarQube not recognizing your coverage data? Here are some common pitfalls to check:

  • Incorrect Configuration: Make sure you’ve correctly configured SonarQube to use gcovr as the coverage engine. Verify that the gcovr executable is in your system’s PATH and that you’ve specified the correct output format (e.g., XML) in your SonarQube configuration file.
  • Incompatible File Formats: Ensure that the coverage data file generated by gcovr is in a format that SonarQube can understand. SonarQube supports XML and JSON formats, so make sure gcovr is generating files in one of these formats.
  • File Path Issues: Double-check that the coverage data file is located in the correct directory and that SonarQube has the correct path to this file. Make sure there are no typos or incorrect slashes in the file path.
  • Configured but Not Enabled: Verify that you’ve enabled coverage analysis for your C++ project in SonarQube. You might have configured everything correctly, but forgotten to toggle the coverage analysis switch.
  • Old or Incompatible Plugins: Ensure that you’re using the latest version of the SonarQube C++ plugin and that it’s compatible with your SonarQube version.

Troubleshooting Steps: Where to Start?

Now that we’ve covered the common pitfalls, let’s walk through a step-by-step troubleshooting process to help you identify and fix the issue:

  1. Verify gcovr installation and configuration: Run gcovr manually to ensure it’s correctly installed and configured. Check the output to verify that it’s generating the correct format (XML or JSON).
  2. Check SonarQube configuration: Review your SonarQube configuration file (sonar-project.properties or sonar.properties) to ensure that gcovr is correctly configured as the coverage engine.
  3. Check coverage data file location and format: Verify that the coverage data file is in the correct directory and that it’s in a format that SonarQube supports (XML or JSON).
  4. Enable coverage analysis in SonarQube: Make sure you’ve enabled coverage analysis for your C++ project in SonarQube. This is usually done through the SonarQube web interface.
  5. Check SonarQube logs: Review the SonarQube logs to see if there are any errors or warnings related to the coverage data import.
  6. Upgrade SonarQube and plugins: Ensure that you’re running the latest version of SonarQube and the C++ plugin. This might resolve any compatibility issues.

Example Configuration: A Working SonarQube and gcovr Setup

Here’s an example configuration that demonstrates a working integration between SonarQube and gcovr:

sonar.c familia.gcovr.reportPaths=coverage.xml
sonar.c familia.gcovr.executable=gcovr
sonar.c familia.gcovr_iterations=1
sonar.c familia.gcovr.version=5.2
sonar.c familia.sourceEncoding=UTF-8
sonar.c familia.language=c++

This configuration tells SonarQube to use gcovr as the coverage engine, points to the coverage.xml file generated by gcovr, and specifies the gcovr executable location. Adjust this configuration to fit your specific needs.

Best Practices: Tips for a Smooth SonarQube and gcovr Integration

To avoid common pitfalls and ensure a smooth integration between SonarQube and gcovr, follow these best practices:

  • Keep your gcovr and SonarQube versions up-to-date: Regularly update gcovr and SonarQube to ensure you have the latest features and bug fixes.
  • Use a consistent file naming convention: Use a consistent naming convention for your coverage data files to avoid confusion and make it easier to track changes.
  • Test your configuration: Verify that your SonarQube and gcovr configuration is correct by running a test analysis.
  • Monitor SonarQube logs: Regularly review SonarQube logs to catch any issues or errors related to coverage data import.


SonarQube ignoring coverage data from gcovr is often a result of misconfiguration or file format issues. By following the troubleshooting steps and best practices outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get SonarQube to recognize your coverage data. Remember to keep your gcovr and SonarQube versions up-to-date, use a consistent file naming convention, and test your configuration regularly. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to getting the most out of your code coverage analysis.

Troubleshooting Checklist
Verify gcovr installation and configuration
Check SonarQube configuration
Check coverage data file location and format
Enable coverage analysis in SonarQube
Check SonarQube logs
Upgrade SonarQube and plugins

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to identify and fix the issue, ensuring that SonarQube correctly recognizes your coverage data generated by gcovr for your C++ projects.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on why SonarQube might be giving your coverage data the cold shoulder!

Why is SonarQube not picking up coverage data from my C++ files?

SonarQube might be ignoring your coverage data if the files are not properly configured or if the reports are not in the correct format. Make sure to check your SonarQube configuration and the gcovr report format to ensure they’re compatible.

Is it possible that SonarQube is only compatible with certain types of coverage reports?

You’re on the right track! SonarQube supports a specific set of coverage report formats, including Cobertura, JaCoCo, and Generic Coverage. If your gcovr reports aren’t in one of these formats, SonarQube might not be able to read them. Check the SonarQube documentation to see if your report format is supported.

Could the issue be related to the way I’m running gcovr?

Absolutely! The way you run gcovr can affect the output report. Make sure you’re running gcovr with the correct flags and options to generate a report that SonarQube can understand. You might need to specify the input files, output file, and report format. Check the gcovr documentation for more information on available options.

What if I’ve checked everything and SonarQube still isn’t picking up the coverage data?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! If you’ve double-checked your configuration and report format, it’s possible that there’s a bug or incompatibility issue. You can try debugging the SonarQube scanner or reach out to the SonarQube community for help. They might be able to provide more insights or troubleshoot the issue with you.

Are there any best practices for integrating gcovr with SonarQube?

Yes, there are! To ensure a smooth integration, make sure to follow best practices such as running gcovr as part of your CI/CD pipeline, using the correct report format, and specifying the correct input files and output file. You can also find more information and examples in the SonarQube documentation and gcovr tutorials.

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