Unlocking the Power of Polars: Accessing Nested Values in Dataclasses
Image by Chepziba - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Polars: Accessing Nested Values in Dataclasses

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Are you tired of dealing with nested data structures in Python, only to find yourself lost in a sea of brackets and indices? Do you wish there was a better way to access and manipulate nested values in dataclasses? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Polars, a powerful library that makes working with nested data a breeze.

What are Dataclasses?

Dataclasses, introduced in Python 3.7, provide a simple way to create classes that mainly hold data without requiring a lot of boilerplate code. They are perfect for creating data structures that require minimal functionality, making them ideal for data storage and manipulation.

Nested Dataclasses: A Common Problem

However, when working with nested dataclasses, things can get messy quickly. Imagine a scenario where you have a dataclass that contains a list of another dataclass, which in turn contains a dictionary with nested values. Accessing these nested values can become a daunting task, especially when you need to iterate over the data or perform operations on the nested values.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Address:
    street: str
    city: str
    state: str
    zip: str

class Person:
    name: str
    age: int
    addresses: List[Address]

people = [
    Person(name="John", age=30, addresses=[
        Address(street="123 Main St", city="Anytown", state="CA", zip="12345"),
        Address(street="456 Elm St", city="Othertown", state="NY", zip="67890")
    Person(name="Jane", age=25, addresses=[
        Address(street="789 Oak St", city="Thistown", state="TX", zip="34567"),
        Address(street="012 Pine St", city="Thatstown", state="FL", zip="90123")

In the above example, we have a list of `Person` dataclasses, each containing a list of `Address` dataclasses. To access the nested values, we would need to iterate over the list of people, then iterate over the list of addresses, and finally access the individual address values. This can lead to a lot of repetitive and error-prone code.

Enter Polars: A Game-Changer for Nested Data

Polars is a Python library that provides a simple and intuitive way to work with nested data structures. It allows you to create a DataFrame-like object, called a `PlDF`, from your dataclasses. This `PlDF` object provides a robust and efficient way to access and manipulate nested values.

import polars as pl

people_pldf = pl.DataFrame(people)

With Polars, you can easily access and manipulate the nested values in your dataclasses. Let’s see how!

Accessing Nested Values with Polars

To access the nested values in your dataclasses using Polars, you can use the dot notation. This allows you to traverse the nested data structure using a simple and intuitive syntax.


In the above example, we’re selecting the `street` column from the `addresses` list. Polars will automatically flatten the list and return a single column with the street values.

Filtering and Grouping with Polars

Polars provides a powerful filtering and grouping mechanism that allows you to manipulate your data with ease. Let’s say you want to filter the people who live in California and group them by city.

people_pldf.filter(pl.col("addresses.state") == "CA").groupby("addresses.city").agg(pl.count())

In the above example, we’re filtering the people who live in California using the `filter` method. We’re then grouping the results by city using the `groupby` method, and finally aggregating the results using the `agg` method.

Updating and Mutating Data with Polars

Polars also provides a simple way to update and mutate your data. Let’s say you want to update the zip codes for all people who live in California.

people_pldf.filter(pl.col("addresses.state") == "CA").update("addresses.zip", "99999")

In the above example, we’re filtering the people who live in California, and then updating the zip code for all matching rows using the `update` method.


In this article, we’ve seen how Polars can be used to access and manipulate nested values in dataclasses. With its simple and intuitive syntax, Polars provides a powerful way to work with nested data structures. Whether you’re dealing with dataclasses, dictionaries, or lists, Polars has got you covered.

Advantages of Using Polars

  • Easy to use: Polars provides a simple and intuitive syntax for accessing and manipulating nested values.
  • Flexible: Polars supports a wide range of data structures, including dataclasses, dictionaries, and lists.
  • Efficient: Polars is highly optimized for performance, making it suitable for large datasets.
  • Robust: Polars provides a robust way to handle errors and exceptions, making it suitable for production environments.

Getting Started with Polars

If you’re new to Polars, getting started is easy. Simply install Polars using pip:

pip install polars

Then, import Polars in your Python script:

import polars as pl

From there, you can start using Polars to access and manipulate nested values in your dataclasses.

Final Thoughts

Accessing nested values in dataclasses can be a daunting task, but with Polars, it’s a breeze. By providing a simple and intuitive way to work with nested data structures, Polars has become an essential tool for any Python developer working with data. So why not give Polars a try today and unlock the full potential of your data?

Keyword Description
Accessing Nested Values Accessing values nested within dataclasses using Polars.
Dataclasses A simple way to create classes that mainly hold data in Python.
Polars A Python library for working with nested data structures.
PlDF A DataFrame-like object in Polars for working with nested data.

By following the instructions in this article, you should now have a solid understanding of how to access and manipulate nested values in dataclasses using Polars. Remember to explore the Polars documentation for more advanced features and functionality.

  1. Dataclasses PEP 557
  2. Polars GitHub Repository
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